Afternoon Drink & BBQ

On Friday 9th February 2018 Evolution Sails and Rainbow Shade Sails invited our customers to an afternoon drink and BBQ At Rainbow Shade’s warehouse in Upper Coomera.

It was an opportunity to network with other installers, some of whom had never met each other, and having a cold beer and trying some South African delicacies!

Luke and David from Rainbow put together a great presentation of product information as well as information to help customers with their website and media marketing.


The whole team from Evolution Sails were in attendance, and there were plenty of questions asked and answered and a lot of fun had.

Thank you very much to our staff and installers for attending.  We hope it was beneficial by way of product info, website info, as well as networking!

For more information and marketing material on Rainbow Shades Products, go to:

For website and marketing assistance, contact Evolution Sails 55377 433.